July 09, 2011

Bedroom Buddy - Summer Vorheez ft Infearion

Bedroom Buddy ft Infearion

The First Single off the Upcoming Sophomore Mixtape “Flight Academy” from former artist Summer Tyme, now Summer Vorheez, ready to kill the streets again after his banging Freshman Mixtape Schools Out. DMV representers Summer and Infearion team up to bring you an R&B/Hip-hop collab smash hit that’ll be great for the ladies but keep the fellas bumpin in the whip. Be sure to get up on it now and request at all your local stations and Internet radio shows.

If you like what you hear be sure to hit up his YouTube Page and subscribe ===> Summertyme2001

Download Link: http://filesocial.com/jkzj4ez (Also Plays and/or Downloads from All Smartphones)